Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


Get back 55 minutes a day by using a routine

  As seen on Dayton Daily News, March 1, 2014. An article in Newsweek stated, “The average American spends 55 minutes a day looking for things they own but cannot find.” In addition to this time wasted, there is also frustration and stress that goes with...

Grandma’s gift-giving can cause difficulty at home

As seen on Dayton Daily News, February 15, 2014 In my parenting class, we talk about children not being able to clean their rooms because they have too many toys. Invariably, a parent will raise a hand and say, “I agree! My child has too many toys, but I can’t stop...

Make your desk a productive partner

As seen on Dayton Daily News, January 31st, 2014 Some of you started the New Year writing down goals related to your career. Maybe you want to make more money, get a promotion or leave the office on time so you can have more personal time. Getting your desk organized...

Hoarders’ children suffer when at home

As seen in Dayton Daily News, January 18, 2014 In my line of work as an organizer I come across some distressing situations. Children who are living in hoarding conditions are some of the most heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the parent and the child because the...

New year, no excuses

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on January 4, 2014 BY LORI FIRSDON – CONTRIBUTED WRITER Getting organized is on many New Year’s resolution lists, but some of you are looking around your homes and struggling with how to get started. Start by writing down all the...

Find time for you–delegate holiday tasks

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on December 21, 2013 The other evening my daughter and her friend asked me if we could start decorating our home for Christmas. I looked at their eager little faces and said, “Sure, in fact you can decorate it all on your own.” They...