Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


Organizing your child’s room

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on May 25, 2019. Have you ever raised your voice to your child because their messy room was driving you crazy? If so, you’re not alone. Many children today have way too many things, and it’s causing stress in households. As mother of...

What’s keeping you from getting organized?

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on May 11, 2019. You’re tired of being disorganized.  You tell others how much you want to get organized, and you have plenty of organizing products. So why aren’t you organized? As a professional organizer who works with people...

Start with your destination in mind when organizing

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on February 23, 2019. I’m typing this article while sitting in an airport terminal. I just finished the most wonderful road trip with one of my daughters. We visited several National Parks in the southwest, and stopped at anything of...

Getting your home organized starts with you

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on January 12, 2019. A woman called me the other day and asked for my advice on how she could get her husband to get rid of his stuff in their basement. She said it’s filled to capacity with things he never uses. She sounded desperate...

Your home should look and feel like a home

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on June 16, 2018. Our homes are not warehouses, museums or storage units. Take a moment to walk around your home. Does it resemble any of these? If so, let’s explore each of these scenarios and see if you can make changes so your home...

Organize for your reality not your fantasy life

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on June 2, 2018. I teach organizing seminars, and afterwards I generally have time to answer additional questions from the attendees. Recently, a woman asked me for tips about how to organize her master bedroom closet. My first...