As seen in the Dayton Daily News on March 24, 2014. As a child, I was crazy about horses. I had pictures of horses on my T-shirts, posters of them adorning my bedroom walls and I persistently begged my parents for a pony. For special occasions, I asked for Breyer...
As seen in the Dayton Daily News on May, 10, 2014. This is an organizing column. I write about simplicity, living with less and tips on how to get organized. However, there was a time in my life when I couldn’t have written this column. Even though I have been an...
As seen in the Dayton Daily News on April 25, 2014. If you have a child, remember this: Every time you delegate a daily 15-minute task to your child, you gain one hour and 45-minutes a week for yourself. I did the math. I have five children, which means I gain eight...
As seen in the Dayton Daily News on April 12, 2014. There’s a saying in the business world, “Dress for the position you want, not the one you have.” Think about taking this same approach with your office. Your office should reflect the position you want, not the one...
As seen on Dayton Daily News, March 28, 2014. I am very frightened when I have to get a tooth filled at the dentist. Prior to my last visit, I told my husband we better get our affairs in order because I was afraid of having cardiac arrest while in the dentist chair....
As seen on Dayton Daily News, March 15, 2014. Over the years I have read numerous articles about the benefits of enjoying family meals at home. Most of the articles include statistics such as one written by Dr. Mark Hyman in which he stated, “Research shows that...