Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


Work on daunting paperwork piles away from your desk

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on July 2, 2016 This time of year I tend to get behind on my paperwork because I don’t like being inside when the weather is so beautiful. Since I can’t wait for cool weather to deal with it all, I combine working on paperwork with...

Here’s the nugget you need to get organized

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on June 18, 2016. Many of you need some words of encouragement as you work towards living a more organized life. Today’s column is a compilation of quotes I have used to inspire my clients. Hopefully, they’ll motivate you to take...

Businesses need consistency when filing electronically

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on June 4, 2016. While helping businesses improve the efficiency of their employees, I often find the electronic shared drives within their companies are disorganized and confusing to utilize. Disorganized files are a foolish waste of...

Clever marketing can lead to unfortunate purchases

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on May 21, 2016. I was walking through our living room when a TV commercial came on that caused me stop to watch. In the commercial, a recording artist and his friends are sitting in his upscale living room. The artist’s mobile phone...

Find your style and feel more confident

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on May 7, 2016. I used to dread getting dressed for the day. Peering inside my closet, I would see plenty of clothes, but felt frustrated because I had nothing to wear. Upon reaching my destinations, I would see others looking classy,...

Your value system clues you in to what makes you happy

As seen in the Dayton Daily News on April 23, 2016. My daughter and I went to Nashville for spring break. While walking through some boutiques, I fell in love with a pair of shoes. They were beautiful, comfortable, and when I turned them over, expensive. Even though I...