Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


As seen in the Dayton Daily News on January 18, 2019.

The saying, “Life can change in the blink of an eye,” became my reality. A couple weeks before Christmas one of my eyes became so blurred I could no longer see clearly out of it.

I also began seeing flashes of light, so I was referred to a specialist. After examining my eyes, the doctor wheeled his chair back and said, “You have a torn retina. Go home and lay on the couch.  I will see for surgery tomorrow. Once the surgery is complete, you will need to stay facedown for the next nine days. You cannot read or use your electronic devices. You may watch TV.”

My life was suddenly derailed, and there was nothing I could do about it.

This news would never have come at a good time, but I had three house guests and was supposed to host 24 family members in my home for a Christmas party on the day of my surgery.

Someone suggested we cancel the party, but I knew my family could pull it off without me.

When I came back from the doctor’s office, I gathered my family together to discuss the menu and planned activities. The next day, I went for surgery and my ‘party planning team’ went into action. I came home from the hospital, and as instructed stayed face down in a pillow.

I heard dishes, pans and food items being pulled from the cabinets. Smelled food as it was being prepared. I felt helpless. As guests arrived, I moved to the kitchen table face down in my pillow. Fun conversations and laughter filled my home. I was so grateful for how everyone worked together without me to make the party a success.

This could not have happened if my counters were full of clutter, cabinets were in a disarray and my pantry was full of expired food. 

Take a minute to look around your home. Are you prepared for the unexpected? Could family and friends step into your shoes and help you manage your home while you were recovering? If not, I suggest you get organized as quickly as possible.

Being organized is not about your home looking like it’s ready for a magazine shoot. It’s about finding things when you need them, feeling as sense of calm in your home and being prepared for emergencies.

Start the process by determining the purpose of every room in your home. For example, if you’re standing in your living room, you might think, “This is where we watch TV, read, have conversations and entertain guests.” Once you see the vision for this room, you will know what to keep in the room.

You will also begin to see what does not belong in the room; shoes, coats, paperwork, outdated electronics, dirty dishes and unfinished projects. These items need to be taken to their proper room or disposed of by donating, selling or tossing them in the trash. You’re done organizing when everything in the room supports your vision and items can be found easily.

My family was not working around outdated paperwork, piles of unopened mail or long forgotten kitchen gadgets. They had what they needed to prepare for the party at their fingertips.

Life can change in a blink of an eye, are you prepared?

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