Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


As seen in the Dayton Daily News on August 27, 2016.

Every year I attend the National Speakers Association conference. For their closing awards banquet, formal attired is required.

For this year’s conference, I found a dress that was perfect in every way. But, buying it came with a risk.

I found the dress nine months before the conference date and it came with a no return policy. This meant I had to stay the exact same size for the next nine months. There was no room for me to gain an extra pound or add a quarter of an inch anywhere!

For the next nine months, fitting into the black dress became my motivation for continuing to hit the gym and monitor what I ate.

All my hard work and discipline paid off. The evening of the banquet, I walked confidently into the room with a dress that fit me like a glove, as the saying goes.

In order to make a change or stay motivated with our current disciplines, we often need an incentive or goal to strive for to keep us on track. This applies to organizing our spaces too.

Let’s explore some reasons to get organized.  We’ll see if you can find one that is powerful enough for you to make the changes necessary so you love being in your home or office.

Confidence – Many of my clients begin to feel more confident as they proceed through the organizing process. Often because their loved ones and coworkers notice and publicly praise them for the changes they are making.

Delegating Power – The more organized you are in your home or office, the more the people around you can help and support you.

Save Time – Organized people don’t waste time looking for things. With this newfound time, do something you enjoy.

Peace of Mind – With our busy, hectic lives, feeling overwhelmed has become the norm. When the world around us is bustling with activity, it is very powerful to feel a sense of calm when walking into your home or office.

Extra Pocket Money – Do you want unused items sitting in your home or cash sitting in your bank account? Sell your excess; it’s in your way.

Reduce Taxes – Donating your stuff is a tax deduction. Let someone else benefit from your castoffs while you save money.

Accountability – Take responsibility for cleaning up the chaos you have created. It’s not fair to leave things for your kids and loved ones to deal with once you pass. Make them feel happier by taking this stress away.

Better Relationships – Are you arguing with your spouse or children over stuff? Does your boss comment on your messy office? Your relationships could be strained because of your disorganization.

Quick Response Time – Unexpected events, such death, divorce, illness or job transfers, will be easier to cope with when you streamline your things.

There are so many great reasons to get organized. Choose one from the list above or create your own motivation. Keep your ‘eye on the prize’ as you move toward a more organized life.

As an organizer I encourage people to shop less, so I realize the irony in what I’m about to say.  This girl needs to find another ‘perfect’ dress fast. I haven’t been to the gym all week.

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