Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.


As seen in the Dayton Daily News on November 24, 2012.

A big part of getting organized is parting with those items we no longer use. Of course, this is much easier said than done. The people I know who let go of excess items seem to be just as happy as those people who hang on to everything. In many cases, they even seem to be happier. So why do we hold on to so much stuff?

We often don’t want to part with something because we spent a lot of money on it. Holding onto these items is not getting your money back. Look around your home and see what items you are keeping just because you spent a lot of money on them. Is it the American Girl doll your daughter no longer plays with, a fur coat that’s not worn or a piano no one plays? Offer these items up for sale or donate them and get a tax deduction. You’ll have a little extra spending money, more space in your home and won’t feel guilty every time you see them for spending a great deal of money and not using them.

Another reason why we hang on to an item is because someone else gave it to us. We don’t want to seem unappreciative and possibly hurt the other person’s feelings by parting with it. Although you may feel guilty for letting them go, these things are costing you space in your home and may be keeping you from enjoying the things you do treasure. As children, we lived in our parents’ home and things were the way they wanted it. I believe it’s your turn to have your home the way you want it.

Sometimes that means parting with those things other people have given you. If you did not ask for the item, the other person guessed whether you would like it, but unfortunately they weren’t right.

By keeping these items, you are training the other person to continue to give you like similar things in the future. It’s time to break this cycle by telling the person your tastes have changed and you no longer wish to receive these kinds of gifts. If they insist on getting you something, steer them towards something you do need.

Finally, people are storing things in their home just because they’ve owned them for a long time. Ask yourself when coming across these items, “Did this item serve its purpose?”

Once you realize the item served its purpose in the past during a time when you needed it, you may feel OK parting with it now. By letting them go, you’ll have more room in your home to enjoy the things you do need in your present life.

Excess stuff doesn’t bring happiness, but experiences do. Make time to part with these unnecessary items so you can have more time doing the things you love, whether it’s spending more time with family and friends or volunteering to help others.

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